At the chilling hour of 7am my bike is attached to the car, my shoes are on and ironically the school's theme song is playing in the background as we hit the road, "I'm on top of the world!" the radio screams. I sing along as I already knew today was going to be a great day!
The Speakers were booming with reminders about a free break-fast, wait a second FREE-BREAKIE! I was in! But before any of that could happen my bike needed to be roughly placed in transition, after that I rushed in, dropped my things and scanned the crowd for the school. BINGO! A bright banner drew me towards Mr.C and Piri, as I saw them swarming to the water front.
As far as I looked, all I could see were blue caps bobbing up and down Ngamotu beach, competitors were yelling "Oh My GOD!" as they hit the water. I tried to imagine how cold and fresh the salty water would have been, well at least my race is far away I thought.
"12 year old individuals to the start line please, green caps to the start line please." A jitter flowed through my body, my head was spinning and I had a sudden urge to pee! Tough luck the line was colossal! I ran down to the beach and met with my fellow green caps, little did I know the queue was becoming shorter and shorter and shorter...those famous words silenced the bellowing crowd "on your marks, get set, GO!"
Before I knew it I was on my last lap of the draining bike ride before...BAM! I hit the ground. I had found my lace had wrapped around my bike pedal and stopped me from continuing my journey a marshall rushed over and helped me up, then tied my laces. I pushed myself over to the transition area, ripped of my helmet and I was trekking the hills on our run. The finish shoot was in focus, I saw Temepara Bailey* grasping a medal with MY name on it! I sprinted my little legs off, I splashed my running red, hot face with cool water, I had never felt better! As soon as I saw mum, I took a big sigh and said... "let's do that again!"
*Temepara Bailey was a player in our nationally renowned team, The Silver Ferns it was such an honour to meet her!
Here She Is! |