Sunday, 29 June 2014

Robo Regionals 2014!

Robo Cup 2014 on PhotoPeach My Saturday morning started with a sleep in the car and a shower of nerves, our many weeks of preparing had finally led up to this. If you have been following my teacher's blog Mr. Webb you would have heard about our school's robotics program. This year my two friends Isabelle and Alice and I were determined to do well at junior robo cup 2014, but it hadn't started off very well as our robots went all wrong at the school dress rehearsal, the day before, so we were especially nervous for today.

The Poi princesses (our team name), yes that's a mouthful alright but if you're a kiwi you'll know the song "Poi E" but for us it was our theme.  We had two poi dancer robots and a haka bot, our many, MANY hours of programming and long gruelling problem solving was well worth the wait as our performance went strikingly perfect, we were so proud. You know what they say "win some, lose some" It may have gone all wrong at the dress rehearsal but it really did pay off at regionals. 

We placed 2nd for junior theatre section and also won the audience favourite vote! We walked out of that hall with big grins, our robots and our trophy, followed closely behind me was my brother and his group with a 3rd place badge each, (not too bad for their first go, and only being year 6 students!) Finally my butterflies had escaped, I was overjoyed not just for us, but for the whole school.  We did Mr. Chittenden proud and we also help to fill the schools' trophy cabinet too!


Pyjama Day 2014 - Video Maker

Today was what you could call an early start! As you can see (pictures above) anyone who had seen our school on Friday would know that we were all decked out in our.... PJ's! Everyone was so dressed up and in the spirit that it was TOO hard to judge! Everybody deserved a prize from panda to pickachu, everyone was dressed up in the latest and greatest sleepwear.  This was a great event with everyone dressed up well especially the teachers!

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Shoot It and Boot It!

Today was a very important day for our school, it was none other than The Kissik Eraio Sports Tournament.  The sports involved are netball and touch rugby, the age groups are year 5-6 and 7-8.  I was involved in the year 7/8 netball team we were up against two very competitive teams, Matapu and Kaponga Primary, our team was ready to fight!

Our first game was against Kaponga, they started with hard  defence but we soon released our secret weapon, Teamwork. The game was carried out some great play and with both team's working hard it was a great game, but a winner was soon revealed with the score 42-4 to us!  A fierce competition was put up from Kaponga Black, well done!

Next up was Matapu, a tall team that we were ready to play! This game, just as the previous one had great competition from both teams and goal after goal Matapu put up our team worked hard to try and defend, we tried our best the overall score came out as 25-13 to Auroa (us) it was a display of  some great netball from both teams.

Both games were very fair and very fun! I enjoyed both games and wish these teams best of luck for their future games and endeavours.

Being a part of our school made me feel very proud today.  We won year 7-8 netball and touch rugby and year 5-6 touch rugby. The year 5-6 netball unluckily lost to Matapu year 5-6 team, it was an overall great day (apart from a bit of rain!)

Question for my fellow bloggers- have you ever had a sports competition? Or something that was very important to you or your school? Feel free to leave me a comment and tell me what it is.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

The Shadow - A fictional story

The street lights were dimmed, no-one was about and the wind was howling in the light of the moon. The bush rustled, my stomach churned at the thought of me being kidnapped, there was a little voice in my head saying I should have stayed home tonight.

How did I get here anyway? In the crisp light of a Saturday morning a poster had appeared in my hands as if by magic, I know what your thinking, this girls lying, but seriously it just floated into my palms. I read it aloud, slowly and cautiously "FRIDAY NIGHT FRIGHTS!" That didn't sound like me at all, I was a wimp but as soon as I was going to screw the paper up the local "cool girl" Amelia Robinson stood in front of me with a daring grin on her face. "Oh no" I thought. "So are you going?" Amelia baffled smartly, "yeah sure, I love horrors!" I lied enthusiastically "Great see you there" she replied sweetly.  OMG Mya are you thick?  Do you know what you just got yourself into?

Next thing I knew I was at the grand Friday night frights. I immediately took in my surroundings, a big black grim reaper greeted me, I already hated this. Amelia was surrounded by her giggling posse, my stomach shook.  I was pushed inside with the crowd and before I knew it a malicious clown appeared onto the screen, I figured this guy was the main character.  After about an hour, everyone clapped and I was now pushed along with people eager and ready to go visit a graveyard or something.  I peered at my watch 3:29am, I was WAY past my curfew but didn't care as I wanted to get home with my guts in tact, as I felt terrible!

Now I was outside and s-hh-v-i-rr-ing  my skin off! I heard a crash and saw a blurring shape flash across the streets.  You'll never believe what happened but it flew right past me, "No" I whispered, the fluffy hair, the dotty nose and that powdery face - was it? No, I thought, it can't be.

If you think you know what the shape Mya saw was, leave me a comment below!

Monday, 9 June 2014


The sounds of drills pierce the air and my eyes squirm under the blinding light that shines in my face, Everyone is starring at me I feel so awkward and I SO badly want to run from the surprisingly comfy chair! But if I move I might end up with wire where wire shouldn't be...............................................

"Sit still Emily, your doing great" Yeah easy for you to say, I thought.
my mouth is the Sahara desert, soaking up any water left, oh how I cannot wait to get out of this chair! Not a moment too soon, my legs for some strange reason are aching more than my teeth! The mirror swipes past me and I get a glimpse of my baby blue braces (see that alliteration!) This is a moment that I will never forget, a painful smile appears on my face with dimples intact, Betty asks "how is it feeling?" I answer quietly "grweast" to translate that for you I said "great" as my voice has been altered for a while.

A quick change forms in my mouth, it feels heavy like well.... having metal on your teeth! The hardest part afterwards was trying to find something that wasn't to hard, to chewy, too sweet or too crunchy! What could be better than frozen yogurt, a sweet cold treat that filled me right up! On the journey home the pain really kicked in, it was like having little people stabbing my gum! But never fear the Colgate pack is here!

I received a little pack with everything from A-Z to treat my new metal mouth such as: Wax to act like a "cover" over the sore brace, a toothbrush suited for my braces of course, toothpaste and dental floss, mouth wash and last but not least my flossy helpers! Which look like a plastic needle and helps get the floss under the wire. It will definitely come in handy from time-to-time.

Throughout the day my mouth adjusted and my talking improved, hopefully one day I will look in the mirror and see nothing but.... STRAIGHT!

If anyone has any questions about the process or my actual experience feel free to comment and tell me what you think

Friday, 6 June 2014

The Wild, Wild West Is Coming To Auroa!

Anybody who knows me knows I love a good time, and what better way to bring your school together than with a disco!

Since around 2006 our school has been holding a couple of disco's each year and in the past 2 years these disco's have been themed which adds a twist to the fun of it.

I always love seeing the funky costume's people are wearing and it's a great way to relax after a long week of school-work, it's awesome to see everyone busting a move and enjoying the music (even the teachers!)

This year our first disco is coming up at the end of the month, and the theme is 'The Wild, Wild West!' A chance for our students to show their inner wild west side, oh and I previously forgot to mention that our student council runs these great nights as a fundraiser for our yet to be decided big project but we aren't in it just for the cash we also LOVE to party! With flyers up around the school and word-of-mouth getting around hopefully we'll have a great crowd! Wish us the best of luck, I will update you after the event on the 27th of June (21 days away!)

Photo credit-

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


When you think of rubber bands being put on things you think of tying things up and making rubber band "guns" NOT putting rubber bands on your TEETH!

For those of you that don't know, I am at the beginning of undergoing treatment for braces and it is only 5 days away!  Today I had bands put in between my teeth and no they are not REAL rubber bands they are little rubber rings that are blue and of course circular. They are positioned between my back teeth to create a gap so it helps to make room for my overcrowded mouth and of course the braces .

At the moment they are quite uncomfortable as my mouth is not used to having little rings in it ( if you want to know what this feels like well, the only way to describe it, that it feels like having food stuck between your teeth or flossing WAY too hard!) They are on my back teeth on my bottom and top jaws of my mouth.   After listening to the orthodontist for a while... I'm sure I could be a dentist!  But that's not such a bad thing that she explains everything so much, at least I know what's going on in my mouth and what is about to happen.
Here is my before photo and the after one will eventually follow in a few days time...